Finally, the camera is charged and we have some time.. so I'll give you a little tour of the place!
The front door is in this picture, so you walk in and the kitchen is to your left. It's not too big. Just a stove on one side and the sink on the other with counter space next to it. We're already replenishing our wine bottle collection!

Here's a closer view of the couch and balcony.

And here's the den from the dining area. Andrew's family gave us two pieces of art for his birthday. It's the text of the Iliad (bottom) and the Odyssey (top) printed and readable, but it creates negative space in the words to illustrate a scene from the work. SO COOL. You can see better detail at Poster Text.

Here is the dining area, as seen from the couch.
A close up of the table.. little cow cheese servers that we bought here in WI, our little birdy s&p shakers, and cookies!!

Here is a close up of the bookshelf against the other wall in the dining area. We have all our nice hardbacks here. And, of course, our TJ bust from Katie and Chairman Mao from Julia! We also have our signed Chipper Jones and Joe Torre baseballs.

Now, you can see the loft! Andrew's sitting up there getting papers ready for our first day of work. That's the edge of the breakfast bar and the couch in the photo, so you can get a sense of the space.
Oh, and just for good measure, here's a better shot of the guest bathroom you can see in the photo.
I didn't take a photo of the guest bedroom because the bed wasn't made (the Jehls just left and we haven't done laundry yet) and it's still got a bunch of boxes. That will be our weekend project.

The loft is the other space we haven't quite polished up yet. It usually looks better than this, though. Andrew was copying a bunch of materials we needed for our first day of work so he moved the chair out from the desk. We have a ton of office supplies but not enough places to store them. A file cabinet will have to be our our list of furniture to purchase.
Here is the view from the loft down into the living room!
Our bedroom is in a separate room off from the loft.
Here's another shot showing more of our new furniture from Andrew's aunt. We need a lampshade and light bulb on my side!
Closet and window. The bedroom is HUGE. We really don't know what to do with all the space.

And this is just to show you that the bedroom has vaulted ceilings too!

And finally, the master bedroom up in the loft.

I hope you enjoyed the little tour! Maybe I'll make a video this weekend.
I had a great day at work today. Andrew and I are off to some French fete Festival thing downtown tonight with a friend of mine from Monticello who is up here visiting family. Andrew read that Madison does it every year around Bastille day. Have a good night!
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